Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oysterfest 2009

Claire and I headed to Alexandria this weekend
to celebrate Melissa and Geoff's
second annual Oyster Roast.
Unfortunately David couldn't join us since he was
tied up with VMI Parent's Weekend. :(
Despite some rainy weather (and David's absence),
a good time was had by all.
Congrats to Melissa for pulling
off another fabulous party!
Claire especially loved sniffing the sunflowers...
sampling the yummy cheese platter
admiring Cousin T's Wellies
swinging with Pop Pop John...
and Re Nee
watching some football with new friends
sharing cousin T's chair
playing dress up with Pop Pop John
and best of all...
playing Superhero with the soon-to-be birthday boy!
I can't believe how much they have both grown
since last year's Oyster Roast!
Check out those pictures

1 comment:

Lulu Cannici said...

She is just the preppiest little cutie pie! Now lookie here -- she needs superhero clothing of her own!