Saturday, May 15, 2010

Claire's Latest Obsession

If you're wondering why we haven't posted lately...
We've been too busy watching this movie trailer, repeatedly.
Claire is OBSESSED!
We've watched this trailer at least 50 times.
Followed by cries of, "Mommy, watch baby again!"
"Mommy, I love those babies!"
"Mommy, I wanna see baby movie!"
"Mommy, wanna see babies MORE!"

In all seriousness, I do have tons of birthday photos and photos from recent visits with grandparents. I promise I'll get around to posting soon, as soon as I can find a theater to go see the BABIES movie. :)

1 comment:

Lulu Cannici said...

Nikki and Matt adored this movie and I am sure Claire will too -- she's such a nurturer! Miss you and can't wait to see you in June!